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Moore Insight Bureau

What is the solution?

Moore Insight Bureau is a Scalable Subscription Service for UK Government Departments. The managed service that enables departments to reduce costs and increase efficiency, using market-leading technology. It provides users with the core benefits of a traditional ERP (Finance, HR, Payroll and Procurement) system, but with a modern twist...

Dedicated Team: Unlike other approaches, Moore Insight Bureau comes with a team of experts who look after the system and ensure the day-to-day service runs smoothly. 

Quick Turnaround: As a pre-configured solution, Moore Insight Bureau can be up and running in as little as 3 months from sign-up, allowing your organisation to realise the benefits much sooner.

Scalable & Flexible: Instead of paying a fixed rate, you only pay for the number of users you need, giving you the flexibility to scale up or down according to your organisation's requirements.

Compliant: The solution is built in-line with the Government Global Design Principles and configured specifically for UK Government Reporting to Parent Departments, HMT (OSCAR) and HMRC (VAT).

What are the core benefits?

Reduced Costs: By streamlining processes and optimising operations, organisations can significantly cut down on expenses.

Time Saved: Centralising data allows the pre-configured system to rationalise and simplify processes, saving departments significant time and resources.

Improved Collaboration: Storing data in one coherent structure provides departments with a single version of the truth, improving their productivity, teamwork and collaboration. 

Informed Decisions: Access to real-time data through a comprehensive reporting system that enables stakeholders to make informed decisions about resource and budget allocation.

What does the onboarding roadmap look like?