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Anti-Slavery Policy

Moore Insight is a management consultancy firm based in the UK, supporting both public and private sector.  In the public sector we have worked across Central Government, Local Authorities, the NHS, Higher Education and Not for Profit organisations, whilst in the private sector we have a wide range of major local and global clients.  As technical accounting and business change specialists, we provide a range of services to our clients from technical accounting advice to implementation of cutting-edge finance and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions. 

At Moore Insight we have a zero-tolerance policy to Modern Slavery and human trafficking.  We employ active processes and procedures to ensure that we maintain the highest professional standards, complying with all laws and regulations applicable to us.  Although not legally obliged under the threshold specified in the Modern Slavery Act 2015 we are committed to improving awareness of the practices necessary to combat slavery and human trafficking and to continually assess the risk profile of our business in these areas. 

We have undertaken a review to identify and assess potential risk areas in our relationships with the contractors and the suppliers that we use. 

In order to ensure that all our significant suppliers and contractors comply with our values, we request that they agree to comply with our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking policy within their own business and their supply chains or have their own equivalent policy in place. 

Regular training is provided for our employees to ensure that they can recognise any signs of modern slavery, human trafficking or sexual exploitation within our supply chains and ensure they know how to report it quickly and efficiently, and in the strictest confidence in accordance with our whistleblowing policy. 

As an ethically focused organisation, we are committed to working in line with our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, which we make easily accessible to all our employees, contractors, clients and supply chains.  This statement reflects our commitment to acting ethically with integrity and transparency in ensuring that human trafficking is not taking place within our supply chain and is supported by a number of our other policies: 


As part of our corporate responsibility, we aim to align ourselves with the wider Moore Global group slavery and human trafficking policies and statements where required.  

This statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our anti-slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 30 April 2020. The statement has been approved by our Directors and Shareholders.